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The 2017 Jersey Royal season is nearly here

03 Mar 2017

We are very excited this week to see the insulating plastic that keeps Jersey Royals warm in winter being lifted off some fields. That means the first 2017 Jersey Royals aren't far away!

We can expect to see the first prized Royals before the end of March, and you can count of our chef Lukasz Pietrasz to already be planning some wonderful new dishes to showcase them.

Jersey Royals are famous for being the UK's favourite new potato. They are championed by top chefs, and celebrated for their unique taste, flavour, and delicate skins. They are also incredibly nutritious.

Jersey Royals have been grown on Jersey for over 130 years. Their unique taste comes from the Jersey soil, which is light, nutritious and well drained. Traditional methods are important too: many farmers still use seaweed harvested from Jersey beaches as a natural fertiliser, a practice that dates back to the 12th century. Potatoes planted on the south-facing, steep 'côtils' fields are still lifted by hand, too.

The Jersey Royal enjoys EU 'protection of designation of origin', in much the same way that France has sole use of the word 'Champagne'. It's a truly special product.

We're sure you enjoy Jersey Royals wherever you live, but this spring why not come to the home of the Royal and experience them as fresh as can be. There's nothing quite like tucking into a bowl of buttery Jersey Royals, freshly dug from the field that very morning!

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